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Reiki is an ancient healing technique that has many benefits and profound effects.  Reiki promotes a healthy mind and body health so you can experience the joy of life.


With  Reiki, you can work towards bringing your mind, body, and spirit back into balance.  Reiki works directly on the issue rather than masking symptoms.


Here are a few benefits of Reiki:

  • Removes energy blocks 

  • Helps to elevate energy levels

  • Promotes creativity and productivity

  • Induces deep meditation and relaxation

  • Assists in the release of stress and tension

  • Improves focus and clears the mind

  • Aids in sleep

  • Helps with spiritual growth and emotional cleansing

  • Reduces blood pressure


30 Minute
60 Minute
90 Minute

C H A K R A  B A L A N C I N G

This unique healing session uses a blend of crystals, energy work, & vibrational therapy to help balance your 7 energy centers which we call chakras.

You will feel a peaceful and calming energy that helps you to become more centered, giving balance to the stress of daily life.

60 Minute
90 Minute
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To ensure that you reserve the most convenient time for your schedule, we encourage you to schedule your appointment two weeks in advance.


We do accept call-in appointments based upon availability.


Please arrive 15 minutes prior to your scheduled appointment time to ensure all needed paperwork is filled out. 


In efforts to provide the best experience for all Serenity Guests, please note if you arrive late for your scheduled appointment, your service will end as scheduled so as not to inconvenience the next scheduled guest at the price of the booked appointment.


C R Y S T A L  H E A L I N G  S E S S I O N

Crystal Healing is a natural healing method using therapeutic crystals and gemstones.


The crystals and gemstones are placed on specific energy points on or around the body to release stress, congestion,
physical and emotional tension allowing the person to release, heal and come back to the natural rhythm and harmony of the body.


Each crystal has a unique healing frequency ranging from spiritual enlightenment, helping heal physical and emotional ailments and grounding and balancing our mind and body.


Crystal therapy is non-invasive, gentle and restores harmony to the body, mind, and spirit as it clears away negativity, fear, depression, and disease patterns to achieve feelings of well-being and wholeness.


The use of crystal healing dates back over 5,000 years ago and continues to be used as a holistic healing treatment to this day.

60 Minute
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